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  • Tounes 2201

    Extrait de mon livre "Rouge et blanc" Nous sommes en 2201, près d’un siècle après la Grande guerre qui a Lire la suite
  • La petite rose

    La petite rosechante dans les champsun poème en prosepour qu'une brave brisevienne en courantsans lâcher prise Lire la suite
  • Le voyage

    Je partirais volontiers loin des rivages visiter la terre à l’envers Je partirais en sage, en pèlerin Conquérir, tant soi Lire la suite
  • 1
  • 2
Cet article contient mots
Le temps de lecture est d'environ minutes.

It's all about all being in control
It's all about a dirty game no more
Not everyone is a sheep
You're not a good shepherd, nor a werewolf in deep

My father was a monster
but I'm looking wrongly like a pet
You're acting almost as a gangster
Stealing every good people I met
Be careful, Master ! , watch your steps
Your good days, won't last for ever
The jungle you've created becomes so crowded
and your height thieves, behaving too greedily

I'm sorry, to tell you, with discontented proud
No ! Master ! I'm free, dead or alive, no doubt
Corrupting my present, mortgaging my future
Will never make my sons surrender
or baw to a fake God, that's our nature


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